IT Patch Management

Why Patch Management Is Important For IT Departments

If you work in an IT department, you probably have to deal with patch management at least once a month. Many times, it is considered a tedious task and is rotated so that no one gets too bored with it. However, the problem is that more work could be involved with that process, because each time, someone else has to go back through and find out what was done. At ITarian, we want to simplify your work life and make it easier to do your job.

One person can now handle the process of patching because our product automates many of the necessary functions.

Third Party Problems

Almost all businesses will use third-party applications in their work. It makes life simpler and keeps everything the same. However, these apps are notorious for their vulnerabilities, so it is important to keep up-to-date with patching and ensure network security. In July 2015, there were many internal vulnerabilities from third-party applications, including:

  • Oracle Java
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Adobe Reader and Acrobat
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari Web Browser
  • Mozilla Firefox

In most cases, you will need a web browser to do business. Many of the ones you use are probably listed, which can cause severe vulnerability problems. IT departments all over the US try to keep up with patching, but it can seem difficult.

IT Patch Management

How We Help

We don't think that any computer or network should be left vulnerable to attacks or thieves. We have created a product for anyone to use. Whether you choose a Windows, Linux or MAC system, we can help you with our automated and easy-to-use patch management program. Don't leave your computers vulnerable. Instead, contact us today to learn how we can help.

Related Resources

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What is Patch Management?


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