Project Management

What you do is important,
but so is how you do it.

Management Software
Project Management Software

Why Project Management is Needed?

No one wants to be involved in a project that's late, is over budget, or doesn't deliver on the requirements. That's why following project management best practices are, well, best practices. ITarian's Project Management helps you do just that, providing communication, collaboration, and coordination functionality to manage resources, track budgets, assign tasks, and monitor progress at each milestone, with reports on individual tasks.

ITarian Project Management helps you:

  • Create project plans from scratch or with customizable templates
  • Easily assign and schedule resources based on real-time calendar availability
  • Visualize project timelines and dependencies
  • Share project documentation with departments and teams

Key Benefits and Capabilities of Project Management

Opportunity conversion

Seamlessly convert a sales opportunity into a project so you can begin work immediately.

Project billing

Set approval processes for fast and intuitive billing for products, time, and expenses with all details pulled into a client-ready invoice.

Work plan design

Customize work plans based on how you want to manage your projects, with templates to build phases, set tasks, assign and schedule resources, create dependencies, set timelines, and allocate budgets.

Centralized resource dispatching

One central screen displays the availability of everyone on your team so you can schedule resources with easy drag-and-drop functionality.

Gantt charts

Graphically track project schedules, show dependencies, and identify potential conflicts.

360-degree visibility

Get a full view of project resources, status, and timelines to identify potential roadblocks and glean insight to make strategic decisions.

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